GraphAware at
AIPIO Intelligence

28 - 30 August 2024 | Brisbane, AU

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What to expect?

The AIPIO Intelligence Conference 2024 is set to be an unmissable gathering for experts from across the intelligence community. Hosted by the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers (AIPIO), this conference aims to advance intelligence as a widely recognised profession across various fields, including government, national security, law enforcement, academia, and the private sector.

The conference presents methodologies and tools helping intelligence professionals presenting a unique opportunity for GraphAware to showcase how our end-to-end graph analytics platform Hume can address the pressing challenges in the fight against drug trafficking, cyber money laundering, human trafficking, and terrorism.

We are delighted to meet you and discuss the latest advancements in graph analytics technology, such as the use of Large Language Models and AI for unstructured data analysis, to enhance intelligence capability and bolster national security and resilience.

We look forward to seeing you!

GraphAware Highlights

Plenary Roundtable Discussion

28 August 2024
Three 20-minute sessions with rotating topics

Join Dan Newland, General Manager for Australia, at the Plenary Roundtable Discussion where we will be hosting a table to facilitate in-depth conversations on pressing intelligence issues.

You can also arrange a meeting with Dan any time during the AIPIO to discuss how GraphAware can support and enhance your intelligence capabilities


Demos on booth

Graph Powered Police Investigation

Stop by our booth to witness how Hume, powered by a graph database, revolutionises police investigations.

Our engineers will demonstrate how Hume seamlessly integrates disparate data sources, employs advanced analytics like temporal and geospatial analysis, and empowers investigators with intuitive visualisations. From identifying prime suspects to monitoring offenders and identifying threats, Hume streamlines the entire investigative process.

Analysts visiting our booth will experience the power of data linkage and complex querying firsthand, discovering how Hume, with its graph database backbone, can enhance their investigative efficiency.


Knowledge Graph Extraction from Unstructured Data Using GPT 

At our booth, we will also showcase a groundbreaking paradigm shift with Large Language Models (LLMs) utilised for extracting knowledge graphs from diverse unstructured data sources such as documents, judicial reports, investigator reports, and social media posts.

Seamlessly integrated within the Hume data orchestration tool, LLMs empower data engineers to effortlessly integrate them into workflows, significantly reducing the time to acquire knowledge from months to mere minutes. Hume Orchestra harnesses the power of LLMs for entity extraction and relationship identification from text, sculpting a structured graph/network within a production system.

LLM for Knowledge graph 2-1

Cyber Security

We will showcase how to leverage integration of various APIs within the Hume intelligence analytics platform, including VirusTotal,, and NIST's CVE database.

We will utilise these tools to investigate cybersecurity incidents, analyse contaminated files, and identify vulnerabilities associated with software. Through advanced features and workflows, such as threat category visualisations and IP address exploration, Hume empowers analysts to efficiently aggregate and analyse data, facilitating informed decision-making and proactive threat mitigation strategies.

cyber schema

Creating Knowledge Graph from Phone Forensics 

We will demonstrate the ingestion of forensic phone extractions and their transformation into a knowledge graph.

Based on information content and graph connectivity, we will select the most relevant target entities. Then, we will extract key information from these target phones using cutting-edge AI, including LLMs. Finally, we will enrich the data using OSINT, providing unique context on the target entities.


What our customers say about Hume

When a child goes missing, every minute counts. With Hume, we don’t have to start from scratch every time an event like this is reported. Our data is available and ready to be analysed. We can act fast and save lives.”

“The system has instantaneously produced results that would have taken a human a significant amount of time to conduct manual analysis, and in some cases identified links that would have unlikely been identified at all.”

“I feel like a caveman that discovered fire.”